You are just one step away from to get a NY Medical Marijuana License.

In order to receive New York medical marijuana license, MMJ Card please add your details below. Once completed one of our doctors will contact you in 1-2 business days.

    Are you a NY resident and have a valid ID?*
    Are you 18 years of age or older?*
    What condition do you have?* Description of conditions
    NeuropathyChronic PainPTSDCancerSpasticityMultiple SclerosisParkinson'sHuntigton'sHIV/AidsEpilepsyALSIBDNot sureOther
    Pleas specify "other"
    Do you have documentation from any doctor in the past stating you have that medical condition?*
    YesNoI do not have a medical condition approved for medical marijuana
    Have you ever been convicted of drug trafficking?*
    Have you ever attempted suicide?*
    Have you ever been diagnosed with psychosis or schizophrenia?*
    Additional information

    After you complete the qualification form, you will then be introduced to the doctor. 

    The doctor will then discuss with you the medical condition for which you would like to use medical marijuana, and the treatment that you received for the condition until now.  You may receive a brief physical examination, which would be focused on the medical condition for which you would like to use medical marijuana. If the physician feels that further testing is necessary, the need for this testing will be explained in detail. If necessary, the physician may refer you to another doctor for a second opinion.

    You will discuss with the doctor the documentation that you have brought that confirms your condition.  You will be able to discuss with the doctor how marijuana might work for your condition. If you qualify you will get a MMJ Card NYC.